Monday, May 25, 2020

Supporting People with Mental Problems, Such as Depression Free Essay Example, 2000 words

I will advise the patient to find a job or an alternative source of income because the cause of her problems could be socioeconomic factors (Rush, Thase Dube 2003). There is a conclusion that depression is more expressed in people with the lowest socio-economic levels than those in the higher bracket for the same factor. Such a conclusion is in line with the Star Recovery Model, which proposes financial security as stimulation to recovery. The patient could also have a problem because of psychosocial factors, for this case, the loss of her parents and her economic status (Moriarty 2005). The patient also has a record of depression because of the hard-living conditions that she has undergone. The most important factor of my diagnosis is the history of depression. People who have had at least two episodes of depression are likely to develop the third. Such a case calls for a discussion with the patient to let her know of the dangers of her depressed behaviors. Out of the study of the patient s history, I will learn how to deal with her. We will write a custom essay sample on Supporting People with Mental Problems, Such as Depression or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Health surveillance involves careful monitoring of the situation of the patient with a target of detecting and preventing diseases from developing (Teutsch Churchill, 2000). Similarly, health promotion entails the development of factors, which will ensure that the patients live free of disease. Heath development involves three basic strategies, advocacy, enabling and mediating.

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